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Request a quote for separator service

Request a non-binding and free quote.

Do you have a project for which you would like to use TAK's service? Then request a free, non-binding quote. We are sure that we can help you with your request using our service. We will take the time and be happy to advise you!

Information about the separator

Place of performance, if different:

Ich wünsche ein Angebot für:

You are welcome to upload photos of your separator system and further information here:

Bilder hinzufügen

Please send us reports, defect reports and other documents in PDF format separately by email to

We ask you to inform us of the place of service and your contact details.

Here you can give us further information
(e.g. planned execution, additional contacts or other inquiries)

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unseren Leistungen, wir melden uns umgehend bei Ihnen!

reliable and competent

TAK – Umweltservice GmbH is your specialist company for the maintenance, cleaning, repair and renovation of all types of tanks, containers, technical systems, drains, channels and separators.

Call us today, we will be happy to advise you!

0800-41 68 000

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